
Privacy Policy

Adaptive fashion design by björk AB , nedan benämns företaget enbart som design by björk, är ansvariga för dina personuppgifter och hur vi använder dina personliga uppgifter beskrivs i denna policy. Vi bryr oss om våra kunder och er integritet och förbinder oss att respektera och skydda dina personuppgifter och integritet i enlighet med gällande lagar, branschregler och andra relaterade standarder. För att hjälpa dig att förstå hur vi samlar in och använder din personliga information har vi nedan listat våra grundläggande integritetsvärden när det gäller att behandla dina personuppgifter. Du är välkommen att kontakta oss vid frågor om din integritet och dataskydd genom: e-mail:

What type of Personal Data is collected and why?

We collect data when, for example:

- you purchase products on our e-commerce platform

- through our use of cookies

We collect data when, for example, you purchase products on our e-commerce platform, subscribe to our newsletter, take part in surveys or contact us with various types of queries. We also collect Personal Data that is necessary in order to administer your customer relation with us and in order to provide services in accordance with our mutual agreement. This usually includes information such as your name and phone number, your address and email, but can also include other details like your IP address. We can collect Personal Data about you from various sources. Data that is collected automatically when you visit our website. We (and third party service providers acting on our behalf) use cookies and other tools (such as web analysis tools and pixel tags) to automatically collect information on you when you use our website, subject to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy and applicable laws and regulations.

The types of data collected automatically may contain:

- Information about the products you by from us

- Your IP address, the language of your web browser, information on which browser you use, • your network operator

- Your geographical location (limited to city and country)

- User behaviour and interaction data for the websites you've looked at

We process your Personal Data for the following purposes and supported by the following legal grounds:

Purchases We process Personal Data to manage settings as well as to send messages on delivery status. This processing is necessary for us to fulfil our agreement with you.

Customer service matters We process Personal Data to manage customer service matters such as queries, complaints and guarantee issues. This processing is to be able to help you with your customer service matters - which are our legitimate interest - as well as to fulfil our legal obligations in respect of complaints and guarantee issues. Marketing We process Personal Data in order to send offers and marketing material via email, post and SMS. We also recommend products on the website as well as send personalised offers and reminders for products still in your basket. This processing includes profiling. Processing is executed with your consent to direct marketing or under our legitimate interest to send direct marketing. Competitions We process Personal Data in order to manage participation in competitions that we arrange. This processing is our legitimate interest in managing competitions that people participate in. Improvement and development We process Personal Data in order to improve and develop our service, our products and our technical systems. This processing is our legitimate interest to be able to update, improve and develop our service, products and technical system. Fulfilment of legal obligations We process Personal Data to be able to adhere to applicable laws, such as accounting laws, tax laws or for product safety. This processing is in order to fulfil legal obligations. Preventing misuse and crime We process Personal Data in order to prevent the misuse of our services and to prevent crime, such as fraud. This processing is our legitimate interest to prevent and avoid the misuse and unlawful use of our services.


If you leave us a message on our web we collect the information that you leave and also user agent-string to prevent junk messages.

An anonymized string created based on your email address (also called a hash value) may be sent to the Gravatar service to determine if you are registered there. The privacy policy for the Gravatar service is available at Once your comment has been approved, your profile picture will be displayed publicly along with your comment.


If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images where EXIF ​​data includes data from GPS location. Visitors to the website can download and retrieve all positioning information from images on the website.

Contact form

We take your privacy very seriously. When you sign up for our newsletter, we do not share your email address with any external parties or anyone other than those within the design by björk organisation. You can cancel your subscription to our emails at any time, simply by emailing us

Cookie files

If you leave a comment on our website, you can choose to store your name, email address and the website address using cookie files. This is for your ease of use, to save you needing to fill in these details again the next time you write a comment. These cookie files last for one year.

If you have an account and log in to this website, we will create a temporary cookie file to check whether your web browser accepts cookies. This cookie file does not contain any personal identifiable information and will disappear when you close your browser window.

When you log in, we also create several cookie files to store information about your log in and your choices for the screen layout design. Cookie files for log in last for two days and cookie files for layout choices last for one year. If you select ‘Remember me’, your cookie will last for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the log in cookie files will be removed.

If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie file will be stored in your web browser. This cookie file does not contain any Personal Data, but only provides the post entry ID for the article you just edited. This lasts for 1 day.

Links to other websites

Note that any links that may be on this website that lead to other external websites (other than design by björk) may mean that you visit other websites with other terms and conditions and privacy policies. Your use of these websites will then be regulated by and covered by their terms and conditions and privacy policies. You understand and accept that design by björk does not support nor has responsibility for or defends the behaviour, functions or content of such third party websites.

Sharing information

Design by björk will not, without your authorisation, forward any information about you to a third party unless required by law, contract or unless necessary in conjunction with a product or service you have requested or purchased from us.

How long we keep your data

We store Personal Data as long as it is required for the purposes for which it is collected or as long as it is required by law or other statutes. Purchase and order history is stored for as long as we are legally obliged to keep such data.

Customer service data related to purchases and complaints is stored for as long as we are legally obliged to keep such data. Communication with customer service that we are not obliged to legally store will be deleted after six months. Data for marketing is stored until you request to no longer receive marketing material or when you have been inactive for three years. Data for the prevention of misuse and crime is stored for as long as required to prevent or report crime (e.g. fraud).

Your rights over your data

Design by björk will strive to ensure that all data we process is correct, and this naturally also applies to personal information. If any information is found to be incorrect, we will correct it as soon as we become aware of this fact. You are entitled to review and check the information we have on you by requesting the details of your information.

Du har också rätt att korrigera felaktig eller ofullständig information om dig själv och i viss mån begära att vi raderar dina personuppgifter (”rätt att glömma”). Observera dock att vissa lagliga skyldigheter kan hindra oss från att omedelbart radera delar av dina personuppgifter. Förpliktelser under t.ex. redovisningskrav, skatte-, penningtvätt- och konsumenträttslagar kan kräva att vi behåller vissa delar av dina personuppgifter. I så fall kommer vi att se till att blockera all data från att användas till andra ändamål än att uppfylla sådana lagkrav.

If you want to request data, amend, delete or have any other queries on how we process Personal Data, contact us on

If you have an account or have written any comments on this website, you can request an export file with the personal data we hold about you, including all data you have provided us. You can also request us to delete all Personal Data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to store for administrative, legal or security purposes.

Where we send your data

Visitor comments may be checked by an automatic service to detect spam.

Contact information

Purchase agreements

In order to take advantage of your interests as a customer, we apply the provisions contained within the Swedish Consumer Sales Act (SFS 1990:932), the Swedish Distance and Doorstep Sales Act (SFS 2005:59), and the Swedish Personal Data Act (SFS 1998:204) to all our purchase agreements. When you place your order, we will send an order confirmation; the purchase agreement is deemed to begin once you have received this confirmation. We reserve the right to refuse an order. This may be due to us not having the product(s) in stock, or that we have not been able to successfully take money from your bank card. If we have any problems with your order, we will contact you. Design by björk does not enter into agreements with minors (under 18) without the approval of a parent/guardian.

If there are any inaccuracies in stock status or pricing, björk reserves the right to cancel the purchase agreement. All images shall be considered to be illustrative and cannot be guaranteed to replicate the exact appearance of the goods. For questions concerning the meaning of the purchase terms and conditions, please contact our customer service by email

Complaints and consumer protection

If goods are incorrect or sent in error, design by björk will of course cover the return postage. Design by björk follows the Swedish Consumer Sales Act and, in the event of any dispute, will refer to The National Swedish Complaints Board and Swedish law.

Force majeure

In the event of circumstances outside of our control, for example, amended legislation, governmental measures, strike, blockade, sabotage, war, terrorism, fire, flood, natural disasters or the like, the obligations on design by björk to fulfil the purchase agreement are postponed until these circumstances are resolved. If such a delay lasts longer than 2 months, both you as customer and design by björk are entitled to cancel the agreement with immediate effect without liability to pay damages.